Code 1710-5-ROYPURPLE
Royal Purple - Gimp .5mm wide - UK madeClick the image to enlarge
Code 1710-5-ROYPURPLE
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  • Description

    This super-fine gimp cord has been hand made exclusively for Gina-B Silkworks, using traditional passementerie techniques. 

    This is a good traditional purple.

    We have recently begun working with a 120 year old English passementerie workshop for a range of passementerie cords (known in the trade as 'lines'). These beautiful cords and trims can be used to create stunning decorative textiles.

    This gimp is made by wrapping fine viscose rayon thread over a central cotton core, resulting in a stiff cord - this one with a width of approx .5mm. 

    Gimp is also known as bourdon (or bordon cord), wrapped cord and guipure.

    This is perfect for a variety of passementerie techniques, including grappé and knots and of course tassel making. This fine size has been commissioned especially for button making - fine gimp has been used in passementerie buttons for centuries. It is also suitable for couching in embroidery, using alongside soutache in jewellery and great for super fine (micro) macrame. 

    Price is per metre

    Where possible, lengths over 1m will be cut as a continuous length where possible

    Our passementerie range is currently available in a selection of colours that are seen often in traditional passementerie.