CreatiFrame: Warping & Basic Weaving

CreatiFrame: Warping & Basic Weaving

The warp is the threads that run up and down on a weave. These are placed on the loom first. On traditional looms, the length of these threads will determine the length of the final fabric. Each thread is referred to as an end.

Many of the CreatiFrame styles can be used for weaving, including those that have straight edges. The following instructions are from the Weaving Collect & Keep Technique Card WA1.

The warp should not be put on too tightly. In order to avoid this, place a shed stick on the frame before you begin warping (as shown on the diagram). With experience, you won’t need this - and some technique do require a tight warp.
In weaving terminology, the slots are called dents. Knot the end of your chosen thread, (leaving the remainder on the spool or ball) and hook it into slot A. There is no need to wrap around the back of the frame, unless your chosen technique requires it. Wind up and down around each slot, and over the shed stick/s, ending at B. Repeat this, working in the opposite direction for a more dense finished fabric.
Do not pull the warp too tightly - try to keep an even tension as you wrap. The threads will naturally tighten as you weave. When complete, secure at the back of the frame and trim close.
You can now begin the weaving. Warp threads can be taped to the back of the frame; this is helpful when using more than one thread or when working with fine threads. Leave a longer end - this can then be woven into the threads at the back to hide it.

Basic Weaving

The weft is the thread that runs back and forth on a weave. The way in which this thread passes over and under the warp threads determines the design of the weave. Each time the weft moves across the warp ends is called a pass or pick.

Weaving on a CreatiFrame

The shed is the space through which the weft thread passes. The shed sticks are designed to help to keep this space opened and make weaving a little easier.
Weave the stick over and under the relevant warp ends, and then turn it onto its side to raise those threads that are on top of the stick. The weft thread can now be passed through. If you have a weaving hook, this can pass under warp and hook the weft to pass it through the shed.
With more complex weaves, and towards the end, you will find it easier to use a needle without the shed stick. When the weft has been passed through, use the stick or comb to gently push the weft down.
To finish, secure the weft at the back of the work by tying to the warp loops or weaving the end in. Take care not to pull the weft too tightly.
If your chosen frame has side slots, these can be used to keep the weft in line.