Angel Policy

Our Angel Policy ONLY applies to Gina-B Silkworks' own brands.

You may use any designs, techniques, instructions from any DVD's, downloads or kits you have purchased to create items for sale for charity or profit so long as ALL of the items are handmade with no mechanical processes. Where possible, a mention of Gina-B Silkworks' as the designer would be appreciated.

You may not, under any circumstances sell, distribute, copy or otherwise breech copyright of any DVD's, instructions, techniques, research, images or other items, whether given freely, or purchased from Gina Barrett / Gina-B Silkworks.

This includes teaching and other courses based on the instructions in our kits, publications (including DVDs) and courses.

Blog posts, images or articles: please contact us for reproduction queries.

Should you wish to license any designs, or become a distributor, please contact Gina-B Silkworks.

For items such as kits or publications by other brands or designers, please check their own policies first.