Code MBC012A
Making Braids & Cords (DVD)Click the image to enlarge
Code MBC012A
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  • Description

    A step-by-step guide to making over 25 braids and cords using both traditional and modern passementerie techniques.

    • Eye level cameras
    • Selectable menus
    • Clear & precise narration
    • Smart editing to avoid repetition
    • Includes a clearly illustrated braid chart for easy selection

    Available in PAL or NTSC
    Running time approx 94 mins - 1 disc 
    Part of the Making Passementerie series of instructional dvds

    Learn how to plait, fingerloop braid, twist, knot, weave, wrap & use a sewing machine to create a variety of decorative braids. Includes notes on measuring and warping, tensioning and finishing braids as well as how to use them. Each step is clear and easy to follow - select from simple, structured menus.

    ISBN: 978-0-9546618-8-5 (PAL)

    Braids & cords included on this DVD:4 element braid, 2 versions - 5 element braid, 2 versions - crossover braid, soutache, 3 versions, round lace, broad lace, baston, lace bend, 2 versions, grene dorge, chevron, 'German' lace, monk's cord, 3 element cord, 2-in-1 cord, wavy gimp, double-spun cord, gimp, spiral, hand knotted, zig-zag cord, encased cord, rouleau cord

    What others have said -

    "I watched your show recently on Create and Craft and bought your Making Braids and Cords DVD. I think it's great. I have always been interested in how braids are made, but get confused with written instructions and photographs. I haven't really done much since I used to plait my daughters hair when she was at school, and she's now 37. 
    Your DVD has set me off. I made an embroidery floss friendship bracelet with 4 threads for the first time this morning. It's not great, but getting there, and practice will make perfect. Perhaps a thicker thread to start would have helped me. 
    I've also had a go at the Round Lace 5 loop. I've never seen this done before your show. I got quite a way along before I messed up, and I have unravelled it, but that was looking great, the tension was very easy to keep, and it was only my 59 bumbling fingers that let me down, lol."~S.A 

    From the Create & Craft website:

    "I bought this alongside thread wrapping buttons DVDs after watching Gina's TV Demos - just had to give it a go. As with her other DVDs this also gives truly fabulous instructions - so clear and well illustrated. Inspirational too."

    "This is a good product for learning the basics, but be aware once you get started it can be addictive"